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Metro Detroit, Michigan
EFC Technology Group

Solutions for Growth Companies in the Digital Age


Helping businesses achieve their digital transformation goals

At our core, we believe that technology should be accessible to all businesses, not just the largest corporations. We've seen firsthand how growth businesses are often overlooked by large software companies, and we aim to change that. Our services are designed to be affordable, customizable, and scalable, ensuring that businesses can achieve their goals quickly and easily.


IT Services




Unlocking the power of

AI and Machine Learning

Analyzing large amounts of data to uncover valuable insights and patterns, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.

Data Management

Organize, store, and retrieve data efficiently, leading to improved decision-making, enhanced operational efficiency, and streamlined business processes.

Digital Transformation

Unlock new business opportunities, expand their reach, and deliver personalized experiences, driving growth, and fostering long-term success.

Cloud Computing

Reduce hosting costs, improve collaboration and productivity, and easily scale your operations to meet changing business demands.

Cyber Security

Mitigate financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities, ensuring business continuity, and regulatory compliance.

Process Improvement

Achieve higher quality outputs, faster turnaround times, and better resource utilization, driving overall growth and profitability.

Our Process

We know what it
takes to succeed



Conduct a deep-dive assessment. Create an overview of your business's present condition and understand your future goals.



Develop strategic decision-making and growth strategies to match your individual goals, keeping a keen eye on budget.



Execute on our agreed upon formula by acting as a team to enhance the overall current state of your organization.

Who We Are

Inspiring progress through technology

Our mission is to revolutionize the way businesses approach digital transformation. We believe that technology should be a tool for growth and innovation, not a barrier. Working closely with our clients to tailor our solutions to their specific needs, we guide them through every step of the process from initial consultation to implementation and beyond.

We understand that every business is unique, and our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to help businesses transform their operations and achieve their goals.

Building better solutions


Complete Projects


Trusted Clients


Creative Members